

After years of taking pictures for fun, Dakota Knetch decided to start a photography business.  Kotagraphs started as a small business out of her home.  Being a social media teen, Dakota utilized Facebook to post finished pictures which served to advertise her business.  Demand grew, and soon she was in need of a studio.  Dakota purchased a small Main Street building in Palestine, IL, converted it into a studio, and opened shop in late 2010.  At the time, she was 18 years old and a senior in high school.  Kotagraphs is busy capturing memories and successfully utilizing the Internet.


Red Queen Consignment

Nicole Martin is the owner of a consignment shop in the oldest town in Illinois, Palestine.  She utilizes the Internet to sell items on eBay.   Nicole sells a wide range of items via eBay - from $3 nick-knacks to a $3,500 train whistle.  Approximately 60% of her business is generated through the Internet.  Nicole utilizes Facebook as her main web page.  She also utilizes the research features of Google - one such search found an art dealer for a painting that was brought into her store which then sold for $4,000.  

Partnership for a Connected Illinois 1337 Wabash Ave. Springfield, IL 62704 Phone: (217) 886-4228 Fax: (217) 718-4546